How do I apply for an OTTWA Passport for my horse? To apply for an OTTWA Passport, simply read and follow the step-by-step guide here, before submitting an application here. If you have any questions about the process, or experience issues lodging the application, please contact the OTTWA team via offthetrackwa@rwwa.com.au How can I apply […]

How to Apply For Your Horse Enter Any Known Information about the Horse into the Search Fields Click the Drop-Down Options as they appear Click Search to submit Click Apply under ‘Action’ to the applicable horse shown beneath Enter the Horses Purchase date, Stable Name and Competition Name (if applicable) Enter known information of Previous […]

OTTWA Passport FAQs
What is the purpose of the OTTWA Passport? The OTTWA passport forms an important part of the commitments outlined in the WA Racehorse Welfare Plan. The initiative is designed to assist Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) in tracing and connecting retired racehorses in WA, and gain a better understanding of their location and life […]

How To Read a Standardbred Freeze Brand
Standardbreds are branded on the off side (right side) or their neck. Australia and New Zealand both brand standardbreds in the same place, however have different branding systems. Both types of brands are read from the top line starting on the left hand side, working across the line before moving onto the left hand side […]

Off The Track WA Retraining Program FAQs
How is OTTWA funded? The Off the Track WA Estate and OTTWA Retraining Program are funded by Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA), through profits of the WA TAB and income generated by the WA Racing Bets Levy and part proceeds of the Point of Consumption Tax paid by wagering operators. How many horses can […]

How to Apply for The Off The Track WA Retraining Program
How To Apply 1. Please refer to the Acceptance Criteria and Terms and Conditions to ascertain whether the program is suitable for your horse. 2. Download and complete the Application Form. As there may be a waiting period to enter the program, if accepted, it is recommended to apply prior to commencing the letting down […]

How To Take Photos of Your Horse’s Brands and Markings
In order for Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) personnel to confirm the identity of your horse you will need to provide images of your horses’ brands and preferably identifying markings. Your horse will have been branded, and usually microchipped for identification purposes. For thoroughbreds: A minimum of two images will be required; one of […]

How Can I Purchase Off The Track WA Merchandise?
Off the Track WA (OTTWA) merchandise is a great way to proudly show your support for off the track standardbreds and thoroughbreds, enjoying their second careers! Merchandise is available to be purchased in person or over the phone with a postage option during OTTWA clinics and events. Details of the items available, pricing and a […]

How to Present Your Horse For Sale or Lease
When advertising your horse for sale or lease it is important to be clear and thorough in order to represent the horse well and attract enquiries from suitable homes. There are two main elements in an advertisement – the text and the images. The text should give the reader a good idea of the horse’s […]

Finding a Club or Coach
Find a coach or club to suit you and your off the track horse with the help of organisations like Equestrian Western Australia (EWA), Pony Club and Adult Riding Clubs. EWA Accredited Coaches. EWA accredited coaches generally work on a freelance basis and charge for services and are available throughout Western Australia. wa.equestrian.org.au Pony Club […]