OTTWA Metro Twilight Clinic Postponed
Off the Track WA (OTTWA) advises that due to the restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic and the current bushfire emergency, the OTTWA Clinic scheduled for 6 and 7 February at the State Equestrian Centre has been postponed. Participants who have signed up to this clinic may either elect to maintain their registration and participate in […]

Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) today unveiled its multi-purpose racehorse welfare facility, the Off the Track WA (OTTWA) Estate, with the announcement that two of the first horses transitioning through its retraining program will be donated to HorsePower Australia. The Estate will be used to facilitate the retraining of retired racehorses through RWWA’s OTTWA […]

Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) has today launched the Off the Track WA (OTTWA) Passport, an initiative designed to assist in the tracking of retired thoroughbreds and standardbreds in the State. The passport, part of the commitments outlined in the WA Racehorse Welfare Plan announced in November 2019, will work to ascertain details of […]

RWWA Seeking Re-Trainers for Off the Track WA Program
Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) has today released a tender for the provision of re-trainers to assist its Off the Track WA Retraining Program, supporting with the assessment, education and training of retired racehorses. The Off the Track WA Retraining Program forms part of RWWA’s WA Racehorse Welfare Plan to further safeguard the wellbeing […]

Off the Track WA Clinics & Events – COVID-19 Statement
In response to the Federal Government and health authorities’ advice regarding coronavirus (COVID-19), Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) advises that its Off the Track WA clinics and events in partnership with Equestrian Western Australia, are postponed until further notice. This decision has been made in alignment with the announcement by the Federal Government advising […]

Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) is pleased to announce the launch of its dedicated Off the Track WA website to assist in the transition of retired racehorses to equestrian and pleasure pursuits. The website, www.offthetrackwa.com.au, forms part of a series of commitments presented in RWWA’s WA Racehorse Welfare Plan to further safeguard the welfare of […]

Off the Track WA and Equestrian WA Clinics and Events Announced
Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) is pleased to announce that it will be partnering with Equestrian Western Australia (EWA) through its Off the Track WA program, to present a series of events across the State in 2020. The series, which covers both regional and metropolitan areas, will provide an opportunity for owners of retired […]

Off The Track Horses Bring Joy To Collie
HorsePower Collie has today officially accepted two Off The Track WA (OTTWA) racehorses to become part of their team as equine therapy horses. Sports Man, a standardbred, and Shilling a thoroughbred, were recognised early on in their careers as horses with superb temperaments and high trainability so when they retired from racing recently they were […]