Front to Back: Hobart Jones ridden by Donna Graham, Zalinski ridden by Kate Shaw and Paseo Del Prado ridden by Semoane Brown

Finding a Club or Coach

Find a coach or club to suit you and your off the track horse with the help of organisations like Equestrian Western Australia (EWA), Pony Club and Adult Riding Clubs.

EWA Accredited Coaches.

EWA accredited coaches  generally work on a freelance basis and charge for services and are available throughout Western Australia.

Pony Club

Pony Club memberships are open to people under 25 years of age and any riding ability. Membership of Pony Club provides children and young adults with the opportunity to build and develop character, responsibility and consideration for others through their involvement with horses. It also provides members access to the extensive competition system.

Adult Riding Clubs

The Adult Riding Club Association of WA caters for a wide range of riders who enjoy the social aspect of Club membership as well as access to the extensive competition system. There is a club within reach of most Western Australians where you can join like minded riders for social riding activities.


Find EWA, Pony Club and Adult Riding Club clinics and events with OTTWA sponsored classes on our Clinics and Events calendar.
