Unnamed by Elsu NZ out of Parsons Clothes ridden by Alexandra Markowski

How To Read a Standardbred Freeze Brand

Standardbreds are branded on the off side (right side) or their neck. Australia and New Zealand both brand standardbreds in the same place, however have different branding systems. Both types of brands are read from the top line starting on the left hand side, working across the line before moving onto the left hand side of the second line.

Australian freeze brands use the “alpha angle” symbols – with two lines of four symbols each.

Australian standardbred freeze brand example

Example Standardbred State Postcode Year of Foaling Registration Number
S6130108 S 6 13 0108


New Zealand use the “T.V.I.” system of freeze brands which are applied as a two line brand. The top line is three symbols – two to denote the year of birth and the other (the letter “Z”) to indicate the country of origin (New Zealand). The bottom line is a four symbol number.

New Zealand standardbred freeze brand example

Example Year of Foaling Country Registration Number Example
12Z5574 12 Z 5574 12Z5574


Once you’ve translated your standardbred’s freeze brand you can search for your horse’s details on the Australian Harness Racing website here.
