IAM LAMBROS | Show Horse Jack

IAM LAMBROS is a New Zealand bred Standardbred gelding born in 2013; Bred by Stavros Kolovos and owned through his racing career by trainer, Craig Abercromby. IAM LAMBROS raced for an impressive 181 starts, with 13 wins and 38 places. IAM LAMBROS retired in December 2022 with $130,034 in lifetime earnings.

Known as ‘Jack’, IAM LAMBROS was sent after racing to Kim Lindsay for retraining to set the gelding up for rehoming. Jack found a home, but an unfortunate change in circumstances led him to be returned. Jack was then purchased by the daughter in law of Craig Abercromby and wife of trainer, Rob Abercromby, in 2024.

With her husband and father-in-law in the standardbred racing industry, and a frequent attendee at Gloucester Park, Tanya Cull was well acquainted with the beautiful and willing nature of standardbreds. Jack proved to be no exception.

“He spent about a month there (with Kim Lindsay) and proved just how versatile the standardbred can be in other aspects of the equestrian world, quickly picking up trotting and cantering in the arena around poles, jumps and dressage surrounds,” commented Tanya.

Jack is described as cheeky, with an exceptional love for molasses. Since partnering with Tanya, Jack has competed at the SPPHAWA Dual Code Spectacular in-hand, where he took everything in his stride and came away with Runner-Up Led Show Hack. At home, Jack and Tanya are working to solidify their trot and canter and will be looking to attend clinics and training days in the near future. Tanya hopes to compete Jack at breed and show horse events once their arena work has been established.

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