OTTWA Clinic Wrap-Up | Northam Clinic
On the 20th of April, OTTWA in partnership with Equestrian WA, hosted our annual Classic Clinic at Avon Valley Adult Riders club grounds for the year. We had 22 retired racehorses entered into this clinic, with a variety of breeding’s and ages.
Of the horses that joined us, we had two geldings sired by Universal Ruler – Chief Archer and Rock N Ruler. Both of these horses were born in 2015, though were trained by different trainers, Jesse Byrne and Gino Poletti. Gangemi Racing also trained two of the retired racehorses that joined us, Crystal Spirit and Ruuca. Both of these horses were the highest earning racehorses to enter, with Crystal Spirit earning $317,450 and Ruuca earning $248,575 on the racetrack. It is great to have both of these top earners join us in their off the track lives. OTTWA Retraining Program graduate, I’m Beta Than Gouda also joined us with his new rider, Sandra Sutton. It is great to have Sandra attend a clinic with Gouda.
Eric Lloyd joined us to grab some fantastic shots of the day. Thankfully, unlike last year, the weather remained bright and sunny to allow for some great photo opportunities.
Our next clinic is May 18, hosted by Magenup Equestrian Club in Wandi.
Entries are now open on Nominate: