Submit Your OTT Story

OTTWA Profile Stories

Let us know all about your retired racehorse!

Passport Number and Racename(Required)
If your horse was never named for racing, please enter your H0 Passport Number and 'Unnamed'
Name of Owner/Submitter(Required)
Please provide an email in-case our team needs to confirm any details.
Let us know how your journey began!
Who previously owned this horse?
Let us know who you purchased this horse from so we can mention them accordingly within this story.
When did you purchase this horse?(Required)
When did you become a team? If you do not know the exact date, please let us know an approximate date.
Let us know what your first impression was!
What disciplines do you and this horse compete in?(Required)
Let us know what disciplines you both enjoy!
What makes your retired racehorse special? What traits do they have and special quirks?
This can be anything from a win at a big event, to a personal accomplishment made at home!
Something that you'd like to achieve together this year!
What would you like to achieve with this horse in a few years time.
Up to six photos. If files are too large, you are welcome to email these photos to Please provide Photographer credits below.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 300 MB, Max. files: 6.
    Please let us know the photographers for your attached photos.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.